Interview with Nikola Kostic, a creative entrepreneur in Bali

Nikola Kostic Interview

By Monica Lawton

Nikola Kostic is a Professional Photographer who gives an exclusive insight into what it is to be a creative force.  He also shares the twists and turns it took to guide him on to his creative path.

Hi, Nikola! Can you introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Nikola Kostic, and I am a Professional Photographer.  My Commercial Photography work is diverse, and it includes Property, Food, Yacht, Spa, Golf course, Fashion, and Product photography.  I have been fortunate enough to excel in all of these categories, and I feel very blessed to do so.  My art photography revolves around different cultures, and traditions.  I have been greatly influenced by living in Bali for 2 decades.  I have a publishing house named, DEFINE FINE.  I have published 14 books and 12 city Guides.  I’ve created a book about the “Komodo Islands“, and “The Worlds“, a book about my Art Photography.  I am selling my art prints all over the world.  I avoid selling online, but I do sell by direct request from the clients.  My newest venture is YouTube channel “Nikola Kostic” where I put all of my experiences under one roof.  I give interviews to photographers who specialize in various disciplines of photography, but not limiting interviews only to photographers.  It’s a mix of people I find interesting, and are doing things I have either tried to do, or I am curious about.  A few interviews are based on,  Modern dance, Standup Comedy, Diving, Golf, Tennis, Design, Yacht Building, and Music. I am also doing some silly videos, that are aimed towards a Beginner Photographer.

Nikola Kostic Food

How did you become an entrepreneur?

I never really had a 9-17 job.  Oh, I had one, and it lasted only one week.  I came from ex-Yugoslavia, and I realized that security really doesn’t exist and that I wanted to take full responsibility for my actions. I had the luxury of people helping me along the way, and I was lucky to have great teachers.  I like to keep things simple, let the work speak for itself. Being an entrepreneur is attractive to many people especially these days, but it is not an easy path, and it requires a lot of attention.  There is that element of luck, if you are not ready,  it will disappear very quickly.

Nikola Kostic Myanmar

What inspired you to start your company?

The Publishing house was a natural progression of things if you are in the line of work that I’m in. It was a big gamble that almost didn’t pay off. I traveled 3 years working on these books, and by realizing all of my dreams I almost lost everything.  I learned very painful lessons, and that school was very expensive, but it got me to the place where I am today.

Nikola Kostic Fashion

What motivates, and drives you?

That’s an easy one, my family.

In one word, can you describe your life as an entrepreneur?


Nikola Kostic Art Space

What has been the most rewarding part, you've experienced since you started?

Crossing a lot of things off from my “TO DO” dream list,  and connecting to people all over the world.

Nikola Kostic Yachts

What challenges have you encountered along the way? How did you overcome them?

Hunger was certainly one of them, I eat less at times.  The chances of becoming a Professional Photographer are pretty slim at best, and my journey foolishly started with the assumption that there is nothing difficult about photography.  From one side that is true.  

  • If you are passionate, and eager to learn, and have a certain amount of talent, things can move very quickly.  
  • Part of the business of Photography is where things get a bit trickier.  Learning to take a compliment, and say “Thank you”, and not stick my head into the ground. It took me years to move past that point.  
  • Learning that I am not selling, I am letting people know what I do, took years. 
  • Learning to say “No” took a lot of years. 
  • Learning to just breathe and relax on commercial photoshoots took years. 
  • Learning to take my profession very seriously, and myself, not that seriously took a number of years. 
  • Learning to welcome challenges, and enjoy problem-solving process took a decade.  
  • Learning that sharing, and not having any “secrets” from my fellow photographers was also one of the biggest discoveries. 

I guess those are a few challenges, and I connect overcoming them to personal growth.

What resources, tools, or organizations have you found the most helpful on your journey?

The most helpful thing was talking to people who have been there before, that is the most helpful thing. These days I highly recommend Google, and YouTube as a massive help, everything you need to know is there for free.  Challenge is finding a source you trust but sometimes you just have to jump and swim. 

Nikola Kostic Bali

What would you say are the key elements for starting, and running a successful business?

I hate to say it but once clichés become the truth you are doing something right. Love, passion, patience, and persistence are key components. If they are not present it will be really hard to get over the tough periods.  A lot of people are so focused on success that they forget about happiness, and I know that everyone has their process, and I respect that.  I am content with more happiness,  and less success.

Nikola Kostic Dance

Who inspires you?

Again, easy one Sebastiao Salgado and Alfred Stieglitz.

What are your future plans?

I am planning on creating photography workshops that are not based so much on the technique of photography, but on how to build a connection to people and the land that we will photograph, my favorite subject.  I believe that the only thing that doesn’t have a manual in my profession,  is our heart and the way we see things. This is what I want to celebrate with these workshops.  I hope to start them from Bali but not limit them only to Bali.  Growing my YouTube channel is certainly high on my list, but that will be a long journey that I am super passionate about, and I truly enjoy creating it…


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